About Me.

Now that you've found my page, it would be helpful to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a young professional currently working full time for a software company. I am, by title, a "Documentation Specialist" - this basically means that I write whatever documentation the company needs. I have written everything from help text to web page content, QA (quality assurance) documents to press releases, software release notes to marketing documents. I guess you could say I'm a jack of all trades.

There will be plenty more about my writing in the other sections of this website. The purpose of this section is to tell you a little bit more about me. What that really means is here I will tell you the kind of thingsI do so you can see that I am responsible, reliable, witty, and possess more personality than most inanimate objects.

To start, I am a runner. This means that I am dedicated to getting up well before the sun most mornings, and that my drive to run a personal best is enough to pull me out of my warm bed when it's still dark. Who cares if I'm only training for a 5K? Eventually, and by eventually I mean oh....about 5 years, I want to be able to complete a marathon. Why? Just to say I did. Really - how many people can say that??

I am also an avid dancer. No, not ballet or anything nearly so complex, difficult, and beautful. I am a line dancer. Like country music, two-steppin' dancing in lines. I love it. And I'm not too bad at it! I'm a member of a performance team here in Atlanta, where I live, and we perform multiple times a year. I also teach line dance lessons. (What this should tell you is that I'm a good leader, I know how to take charge, and people listen to me. I'm good at breaking things down and I don't mind being under pressure).

I co-organize a women's group here in Atlanta. I am a transplant from the north, originally hailing from a very small town an hour north of Philadelphia, and moving down south a year ago left my social life in ruins. I became involved in, and eventually stepped up to help organize, a women's social group for women who are new to the city to meet one another and form new friendships.

I am a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and am damn proud of my alma mater. I try to attend alumni events in Atlanta when I can, and look forward to going back to "Da 'burgh" whenever I get the chance. I am a die hard Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates fans and will proudly wave my obnoxious yellow towel in your face when they are playing.

What else.....oh yeah - I like to write! And I like to play around with making websites. I'm not very good at it yet, but I'll get there. And I read. A lot.

That about sums me up. There will be more eventually because I like to do a ton of things and keep myself busy. Life just seems better that way. :)
